Religion in the U.S. workplace - Essay ExampleThis is also designed to reduce the number of cases when people would ask for a religious holiday leave even though no being known as active religious practitioners.2. If there are disputes over the distribution of the religious holiday leaves, they should be resolved in the following manner. The priority will be given to a person who applied for a leave first, i.e. First come first served rule. Secondly, a person who is known to perform active religious practice before has the priority over a person who has just taken up it. The communication in these cases should be polite and tolerant, trying not to hurt any person or cast any kind of shadow on the religious feeling of an individual.3. One of the most effective ways to communicate the policy to the employees would be to call for a meeting and present them with a printed out version of the main provision.
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Religion in the U.S. workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Global Poverty Essay Example for Free
Global Poverty EssayThe definition of poverty is a matter of debate. In 1795, English magistrates decided that a minimum income should be the cost of a gallon loaf of bread, multiplied by three, plus an allowance for each dependent. Today, the Census Bureau defines the threshold of global poverty as the minimum amount of money families need to purchase a nutritionally adequate diet, assuming they use one-third of their income for food.The term underclass has been applied by some social scientists to a population of people, concentrated in an inner city, who are persistently poor, unemployed, and dependent on welfare, with an emphasis on persistently. Initially, sociologist William Julius Wilson championed the concept to describe the plight of the truly disadvantaged. But he and a number of other sociologists have since expressed concern that the term underclass is being misused by some journalists and political conservatives to argue that the poor have created their own plight and are to blame for their poverty (Hinkle, 1994).
VAT Tax - Theory of Levying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
VAT Tax - Theory of Levying - Essay ExampleThe main advantage of VAT is the cascading type tax (CTT); the biggest limitation from a CTT to a VAT is the ability of an increase in inflation. A book, The Modern VAT was published in 2001 by the International Monetary Fund and it defines VAT as "A broad-based tax levied on commodity sales up to and including, at least, the manufacturing stage, with systematic offsetting of tax charged on commodities purchased as inputs -- except perhaps on capital goods -- against that due on outputs."India and the US, two of the worlds democracies, don't have VAT system because the idea behind the VAT is system is a tax to end all taxes, but other countries that have VAT don't levy entry or luxury duty. If the prices of stock transfer goods increase then the impact of the VAT system would be, the "Denial of tax credit in respect of inter-state stock transfers will prejudice investment in less developed states or states with relatively small 'internal' markets.