This assignment considers physical activity in four different special population groups. Each population group is identified as being ‘special' because they have specific physiological and psychological needs that require physical activity to be modified and adapted to meet their special needs.The four different populations dealt within this assignment are Children, Over 50's, Pregnant Women and Disabled Persons. In this assignment, I will attempt to identify the techniques adapted specifically for each group and explain why it is beneficial for them. I will then proceed to compare and contrast the different techniques used between the four groups and explain why some techniques may be more suited for a particular group, and why some techniques may be inappropriate.CHILDREN:The first visit made was to a gymnasium course for children in between the ages of 2-4. (Ref. Appendix 1)Children are special because they grow at different rates and at different ages, “.. there are also changes in body proportions that can put limitations on their ability to perform” (Lee, 1993 p.

What is persuasive writing? What role does persuasive writing play in the criminal justice system? How well does persuasive writing meet the criteria of effective communication within the criminal justice system? Persuasive writing is to tell a story and convenince the reader to agree or believe what you are saying. This plays a huge role in the criminal justice system. Persuasive writing does not necessarily play a big role for law enforcement when writing reports.Though it does absolutely play a big role when it comes to giving a testimony in a court of law. Law enforcement officers can and need to tell their side of the story in the court room in a persuasive way. Persuasive writing can help law enforcement officials prepare for his or her testimony in a court room by examples and the way they word things. The more that a law enforcement official prepares their testimony of events and any facts in a persuasive manor.This in return will make it harder for the defense attorney to come up with questions to defend their client.

Most Americans can trace their predecessors back to some country across the oceans or the Mexican-American or Canadian-American borders. Each ethnic group has enriched American culture with its own particular types of music, food, customs, and dress. It usually takes two or more generations for the members of a new immigrant group to become sufficiently absorbed into the life of a community that they lose their separate identity. Some ethnic groups – mainly those of dark skin colors – never achieve total acceptance.People concerned about improving group relations in their organization must guard against such clichés as “I'm not prejudiced” and “I treat all people the same. ” Even the most “liberal” individuals do not treat all people the same. Moreover, they should not. All people are prejudiced for or against other people. However, it is behaviors, not attitudes, which comprise the major group problems confronting managers and supervisors. There are many laws against discriminatory behaviors, but there are none against prejudicial attitudes.

 Born in Salem, Mass, Nathaniel Hawthorne was a descendant of a judge in the Salem witch trials. He spent a solitary, bookish childhood with his widowed and antisocial mother. After graduating from Bowdoin College, he returned to Salem and prepared for a writing career with 12 years of solitary study and writing interrupted by summer tours through the Northeast. After privately publishing a novel, Fanshawe in 1828, he began publishing stories in the Token and New England Magazine. These original allegories of New England Puritanism, including such classic stories as "The Minister's Black Veil," were collected in, Twice-Told Tales, published in 1837. A brief period of paid employment, including the compilation of popular children's works and a stint at the Boston Custom House from 1839-to 1841, was followed by a half-year's residence at the transcendentalist community, Brook Farm. In 1842 he married Sophia Amelia Peabody, also a transcendentalist, and they moved to Concord, Mass., where he began a friendship with Henry David Thoreau.

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