The Green Revolution - Assignment ExampleDuring winter, I could specialize in wearing warm clothes instead of depending on heaters. I could resolve to using only the type of entertainment systems I am interested in at a particular time for example either a music system, radio or television. In addition, I could set the temperature of my water heater so that water cannot be heated to more than 120 iF.The California Energy Commission (2004) describes energy efficiency as doing the same job but using less energy. In this case, I could change my cooking methods for example using a crock pot or microwave and preparing several portions at once that will be packed separately and frozen for later use. I could also avoid making many dishes for one meal. Instead, I could make one-dish meals. Instead of using a drier to dry utensils, I could allow them to dry in the utensil. I could invest in energy efficient appliances for example shifting from using incandescent bulbs into using compact fluorescent lights (CFLs).

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