Operation management and corporate strategy - Essay ExampleMarriott’s outputs of the key operational transformation processes The business name is Marriott which is carried by Marriott International Incorporated. This company is undeniably has undergone operations strategies over time to ensure that strategic decisions and actions will result to operation’s main role, objectives, and activities (Slack et al, 2007). Why there is a need to transform inputs it is because they cannot automatically be considered final goods or services. This is clear in the case of making a product and using technology for instance to transform raw materials into something useful by undergoing different processing stages (Thomson and Formby, 1993). The same process applies when it comes to coming up with service offering. The whole process requires transformation of available resources into something useful that can be served for the benefit of the target users, customers or markets (Johnston and Clark, 2008; Stevenson, 2008; Looy et al., 2003; Hill, 2005; Jick and Peiperl, 2002).

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