Step by step instructions to Revise for Exams During Ramadan Step by step instructions to Revise for Exams During Ramadan From Friday May 26 to Saturday June 24 this year, Muslims around the globe will be watching Ramadan, a month of fasting and strict recognition. In this period, Muslims abandon food and water from sunrise until nightfall, which can be up to 19 hours. In the event that this as of now seems like a sufficient test, it's significantly trickier in case you're an understudy reconsidering and taking tests right now. Shuffling the duties of Ramadan and your investigations can be dubious, particularly on the off chance that you've not had understanding of this previously. Here are a few hints to guarantee your exhibition in tests doesn't endure. At the point when you do eat, eat well During Ramadan, there are two dinners: Suhur (pre-quick, eaten around 2am) and Iftar (evening supper, eaten around 9pm). Iftar, specifically, turns out to be critical whenever overhauling as it's the main chance to eat subsequent to being ravenous throughout the day.