Dibs in Search of Self (Axline) - Review - Essay ExampleHer insight, comprehension of character, patience, and counseling expertise are apparent throughout, and the book could serve as a manual of clinical counseling strategies.It seems to me that four key themes run through Dr. Axline’s approach: 1. The individuality of each person, 2. The necessity of possessing an optimistic attitude that the individual can be helped, 3. Respect for the individual as a prerequisite for facilitating mental growth, 4. Allowing the individual – rather than the counselor – to lead.Possibly, however, those four themes could be collapsed into one: the all-abiding belief that the human individual is unique, that he has potential and that, when listened to and unconditionally accepted, this potential may flourish. Axline, therefore, seems to be a humanistically-oriented psychologist (of the Rogerian school of counseling), even though play therapy is, undoubtedly, behaviorally inclined.

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