A Brave New World and 1984:  Need Pain to Know Joy                            Although many similarities exist between Aldous Huxley's A Brave New World and George Orwell's 1984, they are more dissimilar than alike.  A Brave New World is a novel about the struggle of Bernard Marx, who rejects the tenants of his society when he discovers that he is not truly happy. 1984 is the story of Winston who finds forbidden love within the hypocrisy of his society. In both cases, the main character is in quiet rebellion against his government which is eventually found to be in vain. Huxley wrote A Brave New World in the third person so that the reader could be allotted a more comprehensive view of the activities he presents.  His characters are shallow and cartoon-like (Astrachan) in order to better reflect the society in which they are entrapped.

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